"Love and freedom"
There are sunrays in the mind of her acess,
That is your way to change it,
Break the border, surf and quiff at your closet,
Use your hat, head and everything and put it in the right place,
Cybertrain machine hyper techno shoot.
©Zippy Kid-06.05.2008
"The poor man"
Soul fire,
The poor man knows not how to eat with the rich man,
When they eat fish, he eats the head,
Invite poor man and he rushes in,
Licking his lips and upsetting the plates,
The poor man has no manners, he comes along,
With the blood of lice under his nails,
The face of the poor man is lined
From the hunger and thirst in his belly,
Poverty is no state for any mortal man,
I rock the world with my art,
Soul fire, soul fire, do-do-do-dooo, sha-sha-la-la-la,
Poverty is my richness,I has power of God.
©Zippy Kid-09.05.2008
"Do you want to dance with me, my angel Lily?"
And we are rolling,
And we are rolling.
She could see her blue eyes in the burning sun and hear my breath,
My angel was fading in the bloom,
And we are kissing in the cars,
And we are playing noise'n'roll.
And she's my love, she's my love.
©Zippy Kid-11.07.2008
I think 4th world war began....
and in this stupid world I love Coco Rocha
Zippy Kid, 18:06 2010-01-25
©Zippy Kid-2010
©Руслан Трохнюк-2007 ©Зиппи Кид ©Zippy Kid
©"Twang" - 2005©DJ Zippy Freak ©Written by R.T.V.(His Majesty Ruslan Trohnuk)
No part of this digital book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form Including photocopy,recording or any information storage and retrieval system without permission
in writing from the author.©R.T.V. fecit-2006 ©All rights reserved
©His Majesty Zippy Kid,King of Abstract hip-hop
©His Majesty Ruslan Trohnyuk ©Ruslan Trohnyuk
©Никакая часть даного издания не может быть воспроизведена, передана, переписана,
помещена в поисковую системуи переведена на любой язык или компьютерный язык,
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